VISIONARY: Sister Agnes Sasagawa (43)
LAST APPARITION: October 13, 1973
APPROVED: April 22, 1984
”As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves,
the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity.
It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one never seen before.”
“The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son.
Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary.”
Our Lady performed her fifth of eleven approved supernatural manifestations in the 20th century by appearing at Akita, Japan, in the diocese of Niigata, where she relayed a message of repentance and prayer (similar to Fatima) to a Japanese religious sister named Sr. Agnes Sasagawa.
Why this city, diocese, and continent, at this time? In all of Japan, there are only 400,000 Catholics. The small convent of the Institute of the Handmaids of the Eucharist where Our Lady appeared is part of the small chapel that was built with material taken from an old poultry house. For about four to five months a year, those who inhabit the convent, besides the lack of comfort, are buried under snow. They lead a life of prayer and live a strict vow of poverty, having abandoned all their earthly goods in order to consecrate themselves totally to God. The lifestyle of the women has been the object of criticism and calumny in Japan where industry, output, and accomplishment are the norm. They have been reproached for the amount of time they spend on their knees in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa was a member of the Handmaids of the Eucharist.
On June 12, 1973, Sister Agnes Sasagawa began receiving heavenly visions in a convent located in Akita, Japan. At first she saw angelic beings worshiping the Eucharist, but then on July 6, 1973, Sister Agnes saw a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary speak to her, relaying a powerful message similar to what the three shepherd children received in Fatima, Portugal. The statue soon after began to bleed and tears started to flow down her cheeks. Around 2,000 people witnessed the tears coming from the statue and the liquid was gathered and sent to a laboratory for testing. A professor from the Akita University Department of Biochemistry studied the liquid, as well as a non-Christian forensic specialist, Dr. Kaoru Sagisaka. The blood was confirmed to be of human origin, as were the tears.
The statue wept human tears on 101 separate occasions, beginning January 4, 1975 and ending on September 15, 1981. On September 28, 1981, the invisible angel opened a visible Bible to Genesis 3:15, invited Sr. Agnes to read the passage, and then explained in sort of a preamble how the passage had relationship with the tears of Mary: “There is a meaning to the figure one hundred and one. This signifies that sin came into the world by a woman and it is also by a woman that salvation came to the world. The ‘zero’ between the two signifies the Eternal God who is from all eternity until eternity. The first one represents Eve and the last one the Virgin Mary.”
After a lengthy investigation, the local bishop, John Shoojiroo Ito of Niigata, approved the apparition to be of supernatural origin and “worthy of belief.” When asked by a journalist what was the message of Our Lady of Akita, Bishop John Ito answered: “It is the message of Fatima”.
Father Tatsuya Shimura, author of the first book on the events of Akita said: “The revelations of the Virgin at Akita are exactly the same as those of Fatima, the seriousness of which is admitted by all. They are an urgent warning to mankind in danger of destruction and must not be taken lightly.”
Jesus said, “Fear not those who can kill the body but those who can kill the soul.” And souls are being killed throughout the world today in an age so Godless that even forgiveness may vanish.
Jesus did say to us that we must always forgive, but He also said “Sins against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven.” (Matthew XII, 31-32)
St. Thomas explains that a sin against the Holy Spirit ”...is unforgivable by its very nature, insofar as it excludes the elements through which the forgiveness of the sin takes place” (Summa. IIa-IIae, q. 14, a.3)
In his encyclical on the Holy Spirit, Pope John Paul II says that sins against the Holy Spirit consist “in the refusal to accept the salvation which God offers to man through the Holy Spirit” (St. Paul edition, p.87). And the Pope adds: “If Jesus says that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven either in this life or in the next, it is because this non-forgiveness is linked, as to its cause, to non-repentance, in other words to the radical refusal to be converted.” The encyclical explains that specific sins against the Holy Spirit are sins “committed by the person who claims to have a right to persist in evil, in any sin at all, and who thus rejects Redemption.”
Today men are claiming the right to sin: to abortion; to choose artificial means of preventing conception of human life; to deny God’s teaching to children...and we can go on adding to the list of blasphemies against the Holy Spirit, which people continue to do with repentance.
To us, fire over the earth seems an utmost horror. But to God, sins across the earth against the Holy Spirit are a far greater horror, and His Mercy as well as His Justice require a “correction” for the generations still to come. Yet, if God’s Mercy and Justice would require this correction which God has already prepared (according to the message of Akita), then why does Our Lady seek to save us from it?
At Akita (similar to Fatima, Amsterdam, and Garabandal), Our Lady warns the world of a life divorced from God and what harm that can do even in the Church. She warns: “The Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind”. In fact, at Akita, emphasized “The Chastisement is Ready!” But Our Lady also said that so far she has held back the chastisement.
If it is a matter of grave concern that Our Lady predicts fire over the earth a chastisement “worse than the deluge,” is it not a matter of equal concern that Her conditions to mitigate (or perhaps even avoid) this greatest of all chastisements are unknown even by devout souls who would be most likely to respond?
For example, the Akita supernatural events, perhaps the greatest miracles in our lifetime, are often unknown, even in Japan. The policy of keeping the miracles and messages of Akita private in violation of the Blessed Virgin’s instructions has proven to only serve the devil. We have a directive from Heaven to educate people about Fatima and Akita warnings. Complying with this directive would result in filled churches, people regularly going to confession, millions of saved souls, and a supernatural solution for world peace.
We were given a preview of the supernatural fire from heaven when the sun fell from the sky and almost touched the earth in Fatima. However, when we amend our lives, we should look to the future with hope. The message of Fatima, while as serious as the warnings by Johah at Ninevah, is ultimately God’s promise of triumph over evil.
The Atomic Bomb(s)
On December 7, 1945, Japanese forces launched a devastating surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, a U.S. naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii. Just before 8 a.m. on that Sunday morning, hundreds of Japanese fighter planes descended on the base, where they managed to destroy or damage nearly 20 American naval vessels, including eight battleships, and over 300 airplanes. More than 2,400 Americans died in the attack, including civilians, and another 1,000 people were wounded. The day after the assault, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan.
August 6, 1945 was the liturgical Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ. On that date, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima, a city of 200,000 souls. More than 100,000 people were killed instantly and thousands more died months later from the effects of radiation exposure. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city. People in Hiroshima within a half-mile of the explosion were seared to bundles of smoking black char in a fraction of a second as their internal organs boiled away. In the testimony of the survivors, they described ghastly scenes of people whose skin hung from them “like a kimono,” and many plunged themselves into the rivers, shrieking in pain.
The bomb exploded half a mile from the Jesuit Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. However, the church building and eight Jesuit priests stationed there survived. It was one of the few buildings that survived the bomb blast, and they were still alive and well over 30 years later. It was considered inexplicable that, of the hundreds of thousands of people within a radius of one mile of the explosion, they were the only survivors and that none of them was affected by the radiation. Moreover, the parish house, which was only eight houses from the centre of the explosion, remained standing when all the surrounding buildings were completely demolished.
Father Hubert Schiffer, a Jesuit priest, was one of the Jesuit survivors. He and three other fellow Jesuits, Frs. Lasalle, Kleinsore, and Cleslik were in the rectory of the church.
On the morning of August 6, 1945, Father Shiffer had just finished Mass, went into the rectory and sat down at the breakfast table. He had just sliced a grapefruit and put his spoon into the grapefruit when there was a bright flash of light. His first thought was that it was an explosion in the harbor (this was a major port where the Japanese refueled their submarines.)
Then, in the words of Father Schiffer: “Suddenly, a terrific explosion filled the air with one bursting thunderstroke. An invisible force lifted me from the chair, hurled me through the air, shook me, battered me, whirled me ’round and ’round like a leaf in a gust of autumn wind.” The next thing he remembered, he opened his eyes and he was lying on the ground. He looked around and there was nothing in any direction: the railroad station and buildings in all directions were leveled to the ground.
The only harm to him was that he could feel a few pieces of glass in the back of his neck. As far as he could tell, there was nothing else physically wrong with him. Hundreds of thousands were killed or maimed by the explosion. After the conquest of the Americans, their army doctors and scientists explained to him that his body would begin to deteriorate because of the radiation. Many of the Japanese people had blisters and sores from the radiation. To the doctors’ amazement, Father Schiffer and the other priests had no radiation or ill-effects from the bomb. When asked to account for this incredible situation, in which he and his companions were spared, he said: “We believe that we survived because we were living the message of Fatima. We lived and prayed the Rosary daily in that home.” He feels that they received a protective shield from the Blessed Mother, which protected them from all radiation and ill-effects. (This coincides with the bombing of Nagasaki, where St. Maximilian Kolbe had established a Franciscan Friary which was also unharmed because of special protection from the Blessed Mother, as the brothers, too, prayed the daily Rosary and also had no effects from the bomb).
Father Hubert Schiffer died on March 27, 1982, 37 years after that fateful day. He gave his account of the Hiroshima bombing at the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia in 1976. At the time, all eight members of the Jesuit community from Hiroshima were still alive.
On 9 August 1945, the US dropped the second atomic bomb ever deployed in conflict, hitting the Japanese industrial city of Nagasaki. Six days later, Japan announced its surrender. At least 74,000 people died in the Nagasaki blast or from subsequent injuries.
Evangelization of Japan
The Nagasaki Atomic Bomb fell on a neighborhood of Catholic descendants of the Second Evangelization of Japan. The response of this devastated Catholic community was so compassionate, forgiving and loving to all, that the mind-set of Japanese turned toward respect and even openness toward Catholic teaching. An opening was there for a renewed Evangelization of Japan.
The First Evangelization was begun by Saint Francis Xavier on August 15, 1549 (30 years after Cortez brought Christianity to Mexico). These first Christians survived centuries of terrible persecutions as "hidden Christians" of feudal Japan, sustained by their devotion to "Santa Maria," our Blessed Mother Mary, to whom Japan had been consecrated (May 1, 1844) at the start of the Second Evangelization. Our Lord was not slow to responding to this new opportunity. The miraculous sparing of the Cathedral of St. Mary at the very epicenter of the bomb blast was a visible sign of Heaven's initial response.
Bishop Ito, appointed Bishop in 1962 of Niigata Diocese, was alert to the circumstances favoring a Third Evangelization, and sought how to go about it. In 1962, Cardinal Agagianian, head of the Vatican Congregation of Evangelization, counseled Bishop Ito to start by establishing a group of pious Catholic women to assist with the evangelization of his diocese, where the number of priests was very limited.
At that same time, three nuns asked Bishop Ito to approve their founding of a Pious Union. Bishop Ito counseled them to initiate a secular prayer community, with a work focus on preparing converts for baptism, and a prayer focus on daily adoration of Jesus in the exposed Holy Eucharist. After much prayer and consultation, they began informally as the Secular Institute of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist, and in 1963 they began to discern their rules and activities as a religious community under the triple vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Bishop Ito had a sculpture of wood made for the Mother House Chapel, of Our Lady of Akita, based on a small photo of Our Lady of All Nations statue at Amsterdam.
It was at this Mother House, located on a hillside at Yuzawadai outside of Akita, that the Apparitions of Our Lady of Akita were to take place. Bishop Ito played a key role at every juncture of the Apparition episode, through to its canonical and ecclesiastical approvals.
Sister Agnes
The premature birth of Agnes, the visionary of the Apparitions, in May, 1931, left her with a weak constitution, susceptible to all the illnesses afflicting her classmates. The warm, embracing love of her Buddhist family formed her loving, kindly, cheerful personality, and her zest for life and quick intelligence made her an excellent scholar at school.
In May, 1950, at the age of nineteen, Agnes was paralyzed from a botched injection in her spine during an appendectomy operation. For nine years she was transferred from hospital to hospital, undergoing eleven operations and endless treatments and rehabs, always in unremitting excruciating pain. She was moved in 1957 to the Myoko Clinic, where the paralysis gradually abated, over the next two years. She was befriended by the Catholic nurse in charge of her care, who satisfied Agnes's hunger to know all about Jesus, the suffering Savior of the Christians. She felt she wanted to give her suffering to Jesus, so He could make good use of it. The nurse later said about Agnes, "I knew her pain and character. If I had been placed in her position of having to suffer so terribly, I would have committed suicide, unable to endure such extreme pain. Her noble spirit enabled her to endure the Pain."
Agnes asked to be baptized so she could serve Jesus. Priests came to Agnes to teach her Catechism, and she was baptized in April 1960, upon her release from the Clinic. While regaining her strength at home, she sought a convent to accept her as a novice. Finally a convent of Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Nagasaki accepted her, despite her long history of illness, on February 28, 1962.
However, her paralysis returned four months later and she was sent to the Myoko Clinic again. Sr. Agnes later said: "On the evening of the second day (of the four day coma, about June 30, 1962), when a priest gave me the Sacrament of the Sick, I very dearly recited the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Gloria, and the Apostles Creed in Latin, without knowing l did it... If there were not witnesses there, I would not have believed it... My mother recounts that all the time I was praying, my face seemed in a light and my hands were crossed on my breast. As for me, I remember I that l saw a beautiful person in a place which seemed like a pleasant field. This person with a movement of a hand, invited me to approach her. But I was hindered from doing it by people as thin as living skeletons who gripped me. Looking beyond, I saw a crowd of persons who were fighting each other to reach a level of pure water, but... they fell into a river of dirty water. Filled with compassion...l prayed for them. I said especially the mysteries of the Rosary. Then suddenly I saw on the right side of my bed a gracious person... who began to pray the Rosary with me. After the first decade she added a prayer: ‘Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who are most in need of your mercy.’ (The Fatima Rosary Prayer after each decade) ...surprised, I repeated it after her... She counseled me to add this after each decade... and I never fail to add them after every decade... Later a priest told me this was a Fatima Prayer, not as yet translated into Japanese."
On January 24, 1964 she fell in the clinic and was unconscious for ten days. The convent sent her a bottle of Lourdes healing water. The moment the water was placed in her mouth she regained consciousness and her paralysis ended. This cure took place February 2, 1964. In 1965 she left the clinic and returned home to recuperate.
Agnes was about to return to the convent in April when the French pastor of a new missionary church near the clinic requested that she come to take care of the church, as the sole resident, and act as catechist for the converts. With the permission of the Mother Superior, she accepted the offer and went there April 28, 1965. Her mother visited her often, staying with her at the church, and listening to the lessons taught by Agnes to the converts. Agnes was surprised when her mother said she wanted to be baptized also, and was baptized during 1965. Later her father and elder sister were baptized as well.
Some time in 1969, Agnes heard of and inquired about the Institute of the Handmaids of the Eucharist. Bishop Ito wrote offering her entrance to the Order, and arranged the transfer of Agnes from the IHM order, with permission to remain at the mission church. The transfer was made on August 15, 1969, Feast day of Mary's Assumption. Heaven had now set the stage for the Akita Apparition.
In January, 1973, Sr. Agnes noticed a reduction of hearing in both ears, and on Friday, March 16, 1973, a sudden end of hearing took place. Her ear doctor diagnosed her condition as incurable deafness. He prescribed a rest cure and lip-reading training at the hospital.
During her 44-day stay at the hospital hundreds of converts she had trained and friends she had made visited her. Knowing she couldn't return to work at the mission church, she hoped she could take up a life of prayer at the Mother house. A letter from the Mother Superior proposed she now dwell as a novice there. After a brief visit at home, she arrived at the convent with her mother on May 12, 1973.
The extraordinary events at Akita began on June 12, 1973, when Sr. Agnes saw brilliant mysterious rays emanate suddenly from the tabernacle. Left alone at the convent that day, Sr. Agnes approached the tabernacle to open the door for a time of Adoration. Suddenly a burst of brilliant light came from the tabernacle. Sister Agnes immediately prostrated herself face to the floor and remained an hour this way, held immobile (in ecstasy) by an overwhelming power. When released from this power, she left the chapel to consider what happened. She returned to the chapel to pray near the tabernacle, and nothing happened. She later went to bed telling no one about it. The next morning she approached the tabernacle, and the experience was repeated. Now she was sure - Jesus, present in the Eucharist, had manifested Himself to her!
Two days later, on Thursday, June 14, 1973, a third manifestation of the light occurred, while she was praying with her sisters. This time the tabernacle was covered with flames, and a red flame covered the rays of light, with the extremities of the flame covered with gold. Agnes could only repeatedly adore and give thanks to the Lord. At breakfast she asked the Sisters if they had seen a light at the Tabernacle. The Sister Superior said only Agnes had seen it, so don't speak of it. Agnes nodded agreement.
Two weeks later, on June 24, 1973, the Feast of Corpus Christi, Bishop Ito came to celebrate the Corpus Christi Mass with the sisters. This was the first Mass for them in three weeks, since their resident priest-chaplain-confessor-spiritual director had been relocated. The sisters wondered if he had a new chaplain for them, but he indicated patience was required. He stayed for a week long retreat with them, to speak with each, and offer daily Mass. As founder of the community, he told them, "This community, consecrated to the Blessed Sacrament, should practice in a special way, devotion to the Heart of Christ present in the Eucharist." The Consecration by Bishop Ito had been answered by Jesus in the experience given to Sister Agnes at the tabernacle where the Eucharist is reserved in its
traditional place of honor at the altar.
On Thursday, June 28, 1973, the Eve of the Feast of The Sacred Heart, Sister Agnes was one of the four sisters who after the Mass offered the morning Hour of Adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist before the opened tabernacle. Sr. Agnes later said: "During these days of retreat, I felt myself burning with love for the Lord, filled with the desire to consecrate myself entirely to Him."
The Feast of the Sacred Heart was a special one for this community. At the start of the silent meditation of the Adoration Hour: "Suddenly, the blinding light shone from the Blessed Sacrament. As previously, something like fog or smoke began to gather around the altar and the rays of light. Then there appeared a multitude of beings similar to Angels who surrounded the altar in adoration before the Host...(it was) so brilliant that I could not look at it directly. Closing my eyes, I instinctively prostrated myself...l remained in the same position (in ecstasy) without noticing that the others had left." Later the superioress came and tapped on her shoulder, to ask that she watch the house during their absence.
At 3 o'clock Sr. Agnes brought the Bishop his afternoon tea. She took the opportunity to tell the Bishop about her experiences of the light from the tabernacle. His attitude encouraged her to tell all her thoughts frankly to him. When she finished, she felt a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Bishop Ito then counseled her, "You know that the Virgin also appeared to the shepherds at Fatima...in your case, we do not know exactly what this may be. So keep silent and continue your life without changing anything. Meditate and pray, before the Blessed Sacrament."
On Friday, June 29, 1973, while offering the Mass on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Bishop Ito preached on devotion to the Eucharist. In the Adoration Hour following the Mass, at the moment the Rosary began, Sr. Agnes saw on her right side the same person who appeared by her bed when in a coma in July,1962, joining in the Rosary and then disappearing when the Rosary was completed.
During the time of silent prayer, the blinding light burst from the opened tabernacle, in which a multitude of Angels, turned toward the Blessed Sacrament, proclaimed in pure and clear voices "Holy, Holy, Holy." When they finished a voice on Agnes’ right side prayed the Eucharistic Prayer of the Community composed by by Bishop Ito. “Her voice resounded in my ears like a true echo of Heaven. With all my heart I prayed (the prayer) with her, when suddenly appeared a sort of symbol on the back of the Bishop who seemed to be kneeling in front of me. Also, I had a fleeting vision of seven or eight members of our Institute on both sides of the Bishop, holding the red cord of his tunic. These visions disappeared when the prayer was over. I do not remember how long I remained still kneeling (until) the superioress came to tap me on the shoulder. Coming back to myself, I finished the Adoration singing the Ave of Lourdes with her.
I went to the Bishop to tell him of this event. When I asked him if he had a symbol on his habit, he answered he did not. When I spoke of the Chalice and the Host over an "M" he was ) surprised and said ‘That is my Episcopal insignia!’ When I told him of the seven or eight members of the Institute holding the red cord of his tunic, he seemed thoughtful."
The superioress said later she asked Sr. Agnes why she had said the Rosary at the Adoration so slowly, Agnes said, "that she was following the tempo of the Angel."
That night, while praying in the Chapel, Sr. Agnes felt something had pierced the palm of her left hand. This concerned her, because she had never experienced such a pain. She told no one. This was eleven years after the vision of Our Lady on the second day of her four-day coma in June 1962.
The following morning, Saturday, June 30, (now the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) this pain was prolonged during the Mass, and redoubled in intensity during the Adoration Hour. When she left the Chapel, she furtively (so no one could see) spread her fingers, which had been closed tight. She saw two red scratches crossed as in a cross. The red marks were two centimeters wide and three centimeters long and looked as if they were engraved in the skin. They had a rose color, not repulsive at all, even beautiful. She gently closed her hand into a fist again, and went about her day.
The morning Mass completed the week-long retreat, and Bishop Ito prepared to leave. He called Sister Agnes to his room and told her she could now prepare to take her vows. Delighted in this news by reading his lips, she asked for confirmation in writing which he graciously wrote on a piece of paper. Agnes said later, "My emotion was such that I could hardly find the words to thank him."
That evening the superioress questioned Agnes about her clenched fist. Sister Agnes timidly opened her hand. The superioress exclaimed, "What in the world could that mean?" Agnes offered, "It is truly because of my sins!" Then the superioress chided her why she did not tell the Bishop. Sr. Agnes could only say, "I was afraid," not being able to express her feeling that this new experience was not to be talked about as yet, as she later put it.
On Thursday, July 5, during morning Adoration the Angel returned to accompany Sister Agnes in saying the Rosary. With the Angel present, the praises offered to Jesus became more fervent and heart-felt. In the evening six o'clock communal prayer, her left hand was suddenly pierced with a sharp pain. She barely managed to keep from crying out - the prayer was more important; she managed to continue the prayer with the others. When she left the Chapel, she painfully opened her clenched fist, and found an open hole was at the crossing of the arms of the small cross, from which blood was slowly emerging. In order not to draw attention to herself, she went to the evening meal and ate a bit, without a desire to eat. She quickly returned to her room. To take her mind off the pain, she began her crocheting task. Each movement of the needle was an added prayer, to keep her focused on Jesus, not on the pain.
In the evening she jumped, startled when a tap on her shoulder was made by the superioress. The superioress later explained: "We were to spend the night in one of our convents, but I was preoccupied by the condition of Sr. Agnes, so I returned to our convent. I found her seated on her bed crocheting. At my request she opened her left hand with great difficulty and said with tears in her eyes, ‘It hurts me so, that I took out my work.’ She seemed in agony, “’If I have come to this, it is perhaps that my sins are so grave?’ As for myself, I felt this must have been sent to her by the Lord. ‘It seems to hurt you very much, but try to bear it by thinking of the sufferings of the Lord.’ Excuse us for causing you to bear the consequences of the sins of us all.” The superioress, with the help of another sister, bandaged the wound with gauze, and retired.
“It was now 9 p.m. when the two sisters left the room. I stretched out to sleep, but the pain was such I was incapable of closing my eyes.” Sister Agnes tried everything to rest or sleep, and changed the bandage every so often. Then a thought took form softly in her heart, “What is the matter with you that you are so troubled?” She meditated on all the changes in her life, how graces were given, then taken away - by God! How she did some good - but only by cooperation with His grace and gifts! How much suffering she could stand - because He shared it with her - when she let Him! How she matured in spirituality not by doing the work He gave her to do - but by contemplating Him and His suffering for our salvation! This meditation so engrossed her, that the hours slipped by, and the pain acted only as counter-point to her inspired thoughts.
Toward 3 a.m. the next morning, Saturday, July 6, Sister Agnes related later, “I had just changed the bandage again and was praying. Then I heard...a voice saying”:
“Do not fear. Pray with fervor not only because of your sins, but in reparation for those of all men.
“The world today wounds the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, by its ingratitude and injuries.
“The wounds of Mary are much deeper and more sorrowful than yours.
“Let us go together in the Chapel.”
Agnes dressed quickly and found a huge Angel in the corridor waiting for her, and Agnes noticed she looked similar to her sister who had died six years ago, and called out her sister’s name. The angel shook her head and said: “I am the one who is with you and watches over you.” The Guardian Angel led Agnes to the Chapel, then disappeared again.
On July 6, 1973, Our Lady spoke to Sister Agnes from the statue for the first time. Also on this day other nuns first noticed a wound cross-shaped on the inside of the right hand of the statue of Our Lady. This wound bled human blood on four separate occasions, then on September 23, 1973, it completely disappeared. On that day, when the wound disappeared, the statue began to “sweat” human perspiration.
Our Lady’s First Message - July 6, 1973 - Prayer in Reparation; Prayer for the Pope and Clergy
"My daughter, my novice, you have obeyed me well in abandoning all to follow me.
Is the infirmity of your ears painful? Your deafness will be healed, be sure. Be patient. It is the last trial.
Does the wound of your hand cause you to suffer? Pray in reparation for the sins of men.
Each person in this community is my irreplaceable daughter. Do you say well the prayer of the Handmaids of the Eucharist?
Then, let us pray it together."
“As this beautiful voice began the prayer, the Angel reappeared at my side and joined in...I had just said ‘Jesus present in the Eucharist’ when the voice interrupted me, adding: “truly present”...and added: “from now on, you will add TRULY.” Our three voices prayed:
"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Truly present in Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body and soul to be entirely one with Your Heart, being sacrificed at every instant on all the altars of the world and giving praise to the Father pleading for the coming of His Kingdom."
"Please receive this humble offering of myself. Use me as You will for the glory of the Father and the salvation of souls."
"Most holy Mother of God, never let me be separated from Your Divine Son. Please defend and protect me as Your Special Child. Amen."
When the prayer was finished, the Heavenly Voice said:
"Pray very much for the Pope, Bishops, and Priests. Since your Baptism you have always prayed faithfully for them. Continue to pray very much...very much. Tell your superior all that passed today and obey him in everything that he will tell you. He has asked that you pray with fervor."
The Angel began a familiar prayer, which Sister Agnes recited. Then Sister Agnes raised her head from the floor. The statue had returned to its normal aspect, and the Angel was not visible. When she got up, she found a sister was praying at the altar. It was 5:10 a.m., hour for Lauds prayer. Sister Agnes thought she saw a red mark in the right hand of the statue, but said nothing as the sisters came in for Lauds hour.
Later someone asked Sister Agnes the difference between the beautiful voices of Mary and the Angel. Sister Agnes reflected a moment and said: “The voice of the Angel resembles a song, and that of Mary a prayer.”
On August 3, 1973, Our Lady spoke from the statue to Sister Agnes the second time and gave warnings of a terrible chastisement by fire which is to befall humankind to show God’s anger caused by the gravity and multitude os sins committed by mankind. Our Lady pleads for prayer, penance and sacrifice to soften God’s anger and in reparation for the sins of mankind.
Our Lady’s Second Message - August 3, 1973 (First Friday) - Prayer, Penance, Sacrifice, Warning of Chastisement
"My daughter, my novice, do you love the Lord? If you love the Lord, listen to what I have to say to you."
"It is very important...You will convey it to your superior."
"Many men in this world afflict the Lord.
“I desire souls to console Him to soften the anger of the Heavenly Father.
“Further, I wish, with my Son, for souls who will repair by their suffering and their poverty for the sinners and ingrates.
"In order that the world might know His anger, the Heavenly Father is preparing to inflict a great chastisement on all mankind.
“With my Son I have intervened so many times to appease the wrath of the Heavenly Father.
“I have prevented the coming of Chastisement by offering Him the sufferings of the Son on the Cross, His Precious Blood, and beloved souls who console Him, forming a cohort of victim souls overflowing with love.
“Prayer, penance and courageous sacrifices can soften the Father's anger. I desire this also from your community...that it love poverty, that it sanctify itself and pray in reparation for the ingratitude and outrages of so many men.
“Recite the prayer of the Handmaids of the Eucharist with awareness of its meaning; put it into practice; offer (all) in reparation (whatever God may send) for sins. Let each one endeavor, according to capacity and position, to offer herself entirely to the Lord."
"Even in a secular institute prayer is necessary. Already souls who wish to pray are on the way to being gathered together. Without attaching to much attention to the form, be faithful and fervent in prayer to console the Master."
"Is what you think in your heart true? Are you truly decided to become the rejected stone?
“My novice, you who wish to belong without reserve to the Lord, to become the spouse worthy of the Spouse, make your vows knowing that you must be fastened to the Cross with three nails. These three nails are poverty, chastity, and obedience. Of the three, obedience is the foundation.
“In total abandon, let yourself be led by your superior. He will know how to understand you and to direct you."
On October 13, 1973, on the 56th Anniversary of the Great Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Our Lady said: “If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them.” Our Lady was pleading for prayer, repentance and sacrifice to soften God’s anger and in reparation for the sins of mankind.
Our Lady’s Third Message - October 13, 1973 - Pray the Rosary; Warning of Chastisements
"My dear daughter, listen well to what I have to say to you. You will inform your superior."
After a short silence: "As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity.
“It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before.
“Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.
“The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres...Churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them. With courage, speak to your superior. He will know how to encourage each one of you to pray and to accomplish works of reparation."
"It is Bishop Ito, who directs your community." And She smiled and then said: "You have still something to ask? Today is the last time that I will speak to you in living voice. From now on you will obey the one sent to you (Father Yaduda) and your superior."
"Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved."
This final message of Mother Mary at Akita seems to repeat the final messages at both Fatima and Garabandal, but with more explicit detail of the causes and the severity of the punishment by God of an unbelieving, unrepentant humanity, if the last warnings of Our Lady are not heeded during the remaining years of these Latter Days. Our Lady weeps for those who will be lost.
Signs and Extraordinary Events
Each of these signs and extraordinary events occurred following the first message from Our Lady on July 6, 1973, and prior to the third and last message on October 13, 1973.
Wound in the Statue’s Hand
July 7, 1973 - When the community returned from morning Mass at a nearby convent, Sister Agnes and three other sisters witnessed the statue showing a mark of a wound in its right hand, identical to the wound Sister Agnes had on her left hand. The statue’s wound also had a slight sign of blood on it.
During the day, the wound changed gradually, progressing from a thin line on the surface, to a wider line etched into the wood, and later the area around the wound took on the look of human skin, with the wound now appearing as two open slits in the skin in the shape of a cross, with blood beginning to flow out of the wound.
The Bishop was informed of the event the next day, and he required silence by every sister, and asked all to treat Sister Agnes in a perfectly normal manner, while she was to go about her normal tasks. The wound on the hand of the statue dried its blood the night of the first bleeding. The sisters showed a new fervor in prayer, due to their deepened awareness of her (Our Lady) suffering for the sins of her children.
July 12, 1973 - Thursday - The wound in the statue’s hand bled a second time with a thin surface of blood flowing down on a finger to its tip, where it stopped. Sister Agnes felt a resurgence of pain and blood flow in her wound in the evening.
July 19-20, 1973 - Thursday-Friday - The same events of the previous Thursday and Friday were repeated, except on Friday the pain was more violent, and she could not sew nor do kitchen work due to her wet hand.
July 24, 1973 - Tuesday - Bishop Ito came for a visit. He heard the accounts of the events by the novice Superior, examined first Agnes’ wound, then the wound on the statue. Both wounds were dry, as they always were except for Thursday through Friday. He heard a full report by Sister Agnes who made detailed notes of every incident in order to help her memory.
July 26, 1973 - Thursday - Bishop Ito knelt before the statue with a sister on each side, at 3 p.m., reciting the Rosary, on the Feast Day of St. Anne, Mother of the Virgin Mary. The wound on the hand of the statue began a large collection of blood with a somber color. Sister Agnes cried out, “Such a quantity of blood! What does it mean?” While saying the Rosary, her left hand jerked with onset of pain which surprised her since this usually happens at 9 p.m. on Thursdays.
During 5 p.m. Mass, a fierce pain at the wound center overwhelmed her, and the effort to suppress a loud dry made her sweat heavily. She prayed repeatedly, “Holy Mary, come to my help.” The Bishop observed the widened, deeper hole and advised her to go to the hospital if it gets worse.
July 27, 1973 - Friday (Feast of St. Pantaleon) - At morning Mass, the pain in Sister Agnes’ wound reached its zenith. She wondered if the hole had pierced through! After the Mass she went to the Bishop to show him the wound. Then it was realized that not once has a drop of blood soiled the floor of the chapel, from either of the two wounds! It seems something congealed the blood at the very edge of the hand, where it stayed until taken up in a gauze by a sister.
At 2:30 p.m., Sister Agnes experienced a terrific pain, and fled to the Chapel for solace, where she prostrated herself. Immediately she heard the voice of the Guardian Angel sound in her:
“Your suffering will end today. Carefully engrave in your heart the thought of the Blood of Mary. The blood shed by Mary has a profound meaning!
“This precious blood was shed to ask for your conversion, to ask for Peace, in Reparation for the ingratitude and the outrages toward the Lord.
“As with devotion to the Sacred Heart, apply yourself to devotion to the Most Precious Blood. Pray in reparation for all men.
“Say to your superior that the (your) blood shed today is for the last time. Your pain also ends today. Tell them what happened today. He will understand all immediately. And you, observe his directions.”
NOTE: A mystery of Blessed Mother Mary’s Co-Redemption and Co-Reparation is indicated here by the Angel, as is foretold by St. Luke in Col. 1:24. That Mother Mary today suffers blood shed in the crucifix-like wound in her right hand, when her priest-sons place a Communion Host in the hand of a communicant, to repair for this recent practice, illustrates her ongoing mission of offering reparation for our sins. That Sister Agnes bleeds in her left hand, which received the Eucharist from the priest, indicates she was sharing the pain and blood-letting of Our Lady, for reparation of this outrage.
The angel smiled and disappeared. Immediately, the pain vanished. The blood and her wound also vanished. No sign of the wound was visible. Quickly, Sister Agnes looked at the statue and the wound was still there and was bleeding again. Sister Agnes thought of the unbearable pain she felt from her wound-hole which was not much wider that a nail, versus how much more pain did Our Lord feel when His crucifixion spikes made a hole as large as a finger, and how much pain Mary is still experiencing for the sins of her children.
Vision of the Angels
August 2, 1973 (Feast of the Guardian Angels) - During the morning Mass by Bishop Ito, at the time of the Consecration, the dazzling light shone forth from the tabernacle. At the same time the outline appeared of the Angels arranged in a semi-circle around the altar, kneeling with their backs to us. There were eight Angels, enveloped in white light and garment. They were adoring the Blessed Sacrament in the opened tabernacle.
“At the moment of communion my Guardian Angel...(accompanied me) to the altar. I then clearly saw the Guardian Angels of each sister...close to their left shoulders, of a height smaller than each. Like my Guardian Angel, they gave the impression of guiding and watching over them with sweetness and affection. This scene in itself opened my eyes to the profound meaning of the Guardian Angel...After dinner I gave the complete account of this vision to the Bishop. There were eight angels there.., while we were seven. With the Bishop, it made eight.” Agnes felt the vision of the Angels was meant to show the example of adoration, and to reveal their readiness to lead us to the Lord.
Burning Odor
August 3, 1973 - Following the second message of Our Lady received earlier in the day, Sister Agnes was awakened by the Angel crying loudly “Get Up! Get Up!” A strange burning odor came from the corridor. Following the smell, she came to the kitchen and found a red-hot metal kettle on the stove. She turned off the gas and threw a pan of water on the kettle. A little longer, and the kitchen could have caught fire. This was the first instance of her Angel taking care of the community, and was followed by others, over the years.
Light, Perspiration and Perfume from the Statue
September 29, 1973 (Feast of St. Michael) - After the community returned from attending Mass at a parish church for the Feast of Saint Michael, Sister Agnes and a companion prayed a Rosary in the Chapel. Beginning the fifth decade, they saw a dazzling light emanated from the hands and garment of Our Lady of Akita. Finishing the Rosary, they approached the statue and found that the wound, which had remained since the last blood flow on July 27, had disappeared. They agreed to say nothing until they notified the Bishop.
That evening, at community prayers, they statue burst with light, and began streaming, as though with perspiration - seen by everyone. Sister Agnes saw the angel by her, who said: “Mary is even sadder than when she shed blood. Dry the perspiration!”
The sisters brought a sack of cotton cloths and with great care and devotion sponged the perspiration again and again, for the perspiration kept coming, especially from the forehead and neck. All the pieces of cotton became soaked, and they had to wring them hard to reuse them.
The community took time for a quick supper and returned to the drying task. Suddenly, one sister said her cotton had a wonderful fragrance. The others found theirs did also. They wondered if this sweet fragrance was from Paradise. The following morning when they entered the Chapel, they were enveloped in the delicious fragrance. Their grief of the previous day gave way to comforting peace and joy, which shone in all the faces of the sisters. Our Lady had now brought the entire community into the shared suffering and sadness she first had shared with Sister Agnes. The sweet fragrance persisted in the Chapel.
Sweet Fragrance
October 7, 1973 - The entire community seemed in the maternal embrace of Mary and lifted up in a spontaneous transport of love to the Lord. Sister Agnes was so happy and hoped that the fragrance would continue for the whole month of the Rosary. Immediately, the Angel appeared at her right, lightly shaking her head, and said:
“Only until the 15th. After which you will no longer be able to experience this fragrance on earth. You also amass merits, as so many delicate perfumes. In bending all your efforts to thus, under the protection of Mary, you will succeed.” She then disappeared.
The fragrance continued till the 15th. It was especially strong and sweet on the 3rd, the Feast of St. Terese of Lisieux, and the 15th, the last day, as the Angel foretold.
Signs and Extraordinary Events
Each of these signs and extraordinary events occurred following the third and last Message from Our Lady:
October 15, 1973 (Feast of St. Theresa of Avila) - This day was made memorable for the Community by the exuberant increase in the wonderful fragrance that they had been experiencing since September 29. The delightful perfume penetrated everything, until it ended this day, as promised.
October 16, 1973 - The next day was equally memorable from the horrible stench that filled the Chapel. It was so indescribable; it seemed to come from another world. The Sisters could not find the source of the stench. They were forced to pray “Lauds” while suppressing disgust.
October 16, 1973 - When their Rosary was over and a sister got up to put out the candles, she was startled to see a repulsive small worm on her neighbor’s lap. When she looked on her lap she saw a grain of something like rice. And so it went with all the sisters as they would see a horrid worm on their neighbor’s lap, but only an innocent grain on theirs. They soon agreed that the seventeen days of the beautiful fragrance of Mary, who was free from sin, was contrasted with, when the fragrance ended, the bad odor of us, born in sin. Are we not miserable worms, when the Grace of God is taken away? The worms appeared only once, but the foul odor laster three days!
Angel’s Message for the Bishop
November 4, 1973 - Bishop Ito came for his usual visit. Sister Agnes told him all that happened beginning with October 13, using her diary notes. The following morning the Angel appeared after Communion to say:
“Your superior is getting ready to request from Rome the official recognition of your Institute which he had desired for a long time. Announce that there will be many obstacles, but it will please the Holy Father to grant it, because Mary had encouraged him to love poverty and to accomplish acts of reparation.”
Dream of the Snow Burden on the Roof
January 30, 1974 - The heaviest snowfall on record took place on this night. Sister Agnes awoke three times from a dream of the roof collapsing under the weight of the snow, which she was trying to hold up with her arms, exhausting all her strength. In her dream her Angel came to help her when her arms were about to fail, and helped hold the roof up each time. She awoke panting for breath, her arms sore covered with perspiration, assuming it was only a dream.
In the morning she voiced her concern about the roof to a sister who went outside to look at it. She found the roof had sagged a great deal, except over where Sister Agnes slept. She phoned for help and two men came to unburden the roof. A catastrophe had been averted! Sister Agnes was thoroughly exhausted, had difficulty breathing, her arms and legs were sore and stiff, so she was excused from tasks that afternoon. When the roof was repaired later, the carpenter found 42 beams were broken, but over Sister Agnes’ room none were broken.
A Garden Consecrated to Mary
April, 1974 - In late April, Father Yasuda sensed that “A Garden of Mary” would be a precious help for the community. He had initiated one in his previous church. He proposed this project to the community, who were delighted, and obtained the approval of the Bishop.
May 1, 1974 - On the Feast Day of St. Joseph, Father Yasuda began the Mass by honoring St. Joseph and said we ask his very special intercession for the realization of the Garden of Mary, and celebrated the Mass for this intention. After morning Adoration, Sister Agnes told Father Yasuda that the Angel had brought her a message:
“The intention which you offer in unity with the one who directs you is good, and pleasing to the Lord and His Holy Mother. The more you offer this good intention, the more difficult and numerous will be the obstacles. But today, you have asked for the protection of St. Joseph, in a same union of prayer. This prayer is very pleasing to Jesus and Mary: It will be heard. Saint Joseph will protect your work. To overcome the obstacles, pray; with confidence, in interior unity.”
The Angel added, “It is rather a shame that there is no exterior sign here in honor of St. Joseph. Ask him who directs you to do this when you can, even if it is not right away.”
After this was made known, a statue of St. Joseph was placed in the Chapel. Plans for the garden began to grow and elaborate from the initial concept of the priest, “of Mary standing tall in the middle of Japan.”
May 30, 1974 - The community and the priest were in the Chapel, on the eve of the Feast of the Visitation and the inauguration of “The Garden of Mary” when suddenly they saw the statue of Our Lady changing. The face’s color took on a ruddy hue, similar to a woman blushing with joy. They the hands and feet took on this color. Father Yasuda led the community in continuing silent prayer, while watching the changeover of color slowly manifest. They felt the wood statue was coming to life, bathed in joy. This color was to remain for many years to come. The community felt that Our Lady was blushing with joy at the start of the garden.
Angel Announcement of a Temporary Healing of Deafness
May, 18, 1974 - After morning Adoration, Sister Agnes reported to Father Yasuda a message the Angel gave her:
“Your ears will be opened in August or October. You will hear, you will be healed. But that will last only for a moment because the Lord still wishes this offering and you will become deaf again. In seeing that your ears are restored again, the heart of those who still doubt will melt and they will believe...Report what I have told you to him who directs you. But speak of it to no one else, until it takes place.”
Dream and the Snake
June 10, 1974 - During the dinner a sister mentioned to Father Yasuda that Sister Agnes had a terrible dream that morning. He had Sister Agnes relate the dream. She spoke with deep emotion:
“I had a dream in which I was the victim of terrible persecution...(there) was a group of persons who seemed to be religious. One of them who must have been their head, a foreign Catholic Theologian it seemed to me, had a gray-colored (religious) habit, and (approaching) he said in a peremptory tone ‘Why would the God of the Trinity be one God? We cannot believe that Christ is God! According to you, where then is the center of the Catholic Faith? If you believe in God and say that you serve Him, why do you not do as we, who adore a multitude of gods? If you say you believe in God--do as we: believe in many gods! Then all of us, too, will become “Catholics.’ If you would join us, you would lead an easy and agreeable life, as we do. It is indeed because you wish it, that you lead that life there. You are truly painful for us to see! Go, tell us that the God of the Trinity is not one, that there are a multitude of gods. If not--take that for your pain!”
Father Yasuda said to the community that this was certainly not a typical nightmare! “This does not concern only Sister Agnes. They seems to be an allusion to the state of the church, and to certain of its orientations....in the name of ‘evangelization’.”
Father Yasuda saw that the community listed with attention, but some said it was only a dream. All were assuming that it was over with. That evening at Adoration, after the Rosary, the Angel came to Sister Agnes, and told her:
“Tell the chaplain that there is a serpent in the next room at this moment. This is to give awareness to those who took your dream lightly. The chaplain will know how to guide you.”
Everyone rushed to the next room, and saw the large serpent near the far wall. Father Yasuda quickly closed the door and asked all to be calm, and continue with the Adoration hour. Later he got the snake out, and killed it.
Father Yasuda counseled later that this was a premonitory sign to all. The arrogant theologian said nothing new, and it is an undeniable fact that atheism and materialism have penetrated the Church under diverse and disguised forms. He anticipated this announced, by God, a trial to affect Sister Agnes soon, the community later, and even Japan and all nations.
Later, Bishop Ito affirmed this, saying in an interview, “To what an extent God has gone in the events of Akita to draw out attention to the serious state of our times, both within and without the Church, in order that we might know more exactly how to respond to Our Lady’s terrible warnings.”
Angel’s Message on the Spiritual Mission of Father Yasuda
June 28, 1974 - During the Adoration Hour on the eve of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the Angel came to Sister Agnes and delivered a long message to the community about the holy mission given by God to Father Yasuda in sending him to the community:
“The Catholic Priest (Father Yasuda) who has been prepared in advance by God for this convent has made a firm decision to stay and work with you, as a result of your prayers. The Priest plans to guide you spiritually, while obeying your superior (the Bishop) with the same intention as those of the superior’s. The priest made this decision believing that your superior will be pleased with his decision.
“Why has the superior refrained from quickly announcing to everyone, with joy, the fact that this priest was given by God as the Spiritual Director of the convent, although I have made it clear that this priest was given in response to your prayers? This convent is not the possession of your superior alone.
"The priest, who plans to guide you, is determined to give himself entirely to the service of the convent, while obeying your superior.
"It is not right (for the superior) to avoid requesting this God-prepared priest to provide all the spiritual guidance you will need, despite this message, while trying to auoid entrusting the priest with the total spiritual guidance of the community.
"Your superior, and this convent, is loved by God, who dispatched me here, has been guided well until today in the light of all the messages which I was ordered to deliver here. You must tell the superior to announce to all people, with joy and trust, this message which I was ordered to deliver here. Tell the Superior to ask the priest presented, to provide all spiritual guidance to the convent and entrust the priest with the work of spiritual guidance.
"Why are you hesitating to comply with my instructions? Without hesitation, convey this message with trust in God!
"Otherwise, divine graces and guidance, which have been given to your superior will be taken away.
“With courage, convey this message to your superior.”
When Sister Agnes wrote this, she added, “When I received this message, I prostrated myself and started to weep. I felt like I was hit on the head with a strong blow.” The Angel returned, to encourage her and for her to pray with trust in God. Sister Agnes immediately reported the message to the Bishop, who was visiting the convent. He wept when he heard the message.
Miraculous Cure of the Deafness
September 21, 1974 - After morning Adoration, Sister Agnes reported a message she just received from the Angel:
“Today or tomorrow begin a novena, one of your choice, and then two more. During the time of these novenas before...the Eucharist, your ears will be opened during the Adoration and you will hear...the chant of the Ave Maria...then you will hear the sound of the bell ringing for the Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
“After the Benediction you will calmly ask the one who directs you to have a Canticle of Thanksgiving sung. Then it will be known that your ears hear again. At that moment your body will also be healed and the Lord will be glorified.
“When he learns this, your superior will be filled with courage, his heart will be consoled and he will bear witness...”
After a pause, the Angel continued: “Your ears will continue only for a certain time...you will become deaf again. The Lord still wishes this offering...”
Father Yasuda counseled Sister Agnes to begin the Novena that day, and tell no one.
Sunday, October 13, 1974 - On the Anniversary of the Third Message of Our Lady at Akita, and of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, at the evening Adoration, the foretold healing of Sister Agnes’ hearing took place. Father Yasuda announced to the community and visitors this news, then led them in the Te Deum hymn selected by Sister Agnes. Her 19-month silence ended, and intestinal and other ailments ceased. After Adoration ended, she telephoned the Bishop and her parents.
This cure aroused public awareness throughout Japan, and the world, of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Akita, and the Third Message of Our Lady was authenticated by the miraculous cure.
The Bishop was encouraged by the miraculous healing to gather together the documents recording all the events at the convent and prepared to begin his own Canonical Investigation of the Apparitions. The Cardinal had started a Canonical Investigation in March, but stopped when the Vatican said only the Diocesan Bishop may conduct the procedures and they must meet the exacting standards set by the Vatican to obtain final acceptance.
Canonical Investigation by Bishop Ito is Begun
November, 1974 - Bishop Ito discussed his documentation of the Akita events with the most renowned Japanese theologians. They scorned the importance of the events and messages and counseled further investigation would not be worthwhile!
November 3, 1974 - A reporter for a Catholic review called the convent requesting an interview to discover what all the tittle-tattle of events there were about. Father Yasuda saw this as an opportunity to steer the rising curiosity of Catholics in a positive direction, and arranged for the interview to take place. He was interviewed first, and described in a forthright manner the consecutive events at the convent. The sisters were then interviewed, with the secrecy edict lifted by Father Yasuda. Camera crews documented the impoverished state of the convent, the Chapel and statue of Our Lady of Akita, and the construction underway of “Mary’s Garden”.
The articles, approved by Bishop Ito were published as a series beginning in December. The news of the events at Akita resounded throughout Japan, and was received with open heart by the Japanese, to the dismay of the theologians and clergy who preferred to orient the church to exalt the worldly side of man, and not the spiritual side of man. In December, Father Yasuda began to anticipate that another miracle would be forthcoming to support the three messages at Akita.
Statue Weeps
January 4, 1975 - On the morning of the last day of the New Year retreat of the community and other houses of the Institute, the sisters ran into Father Yasuda’s presbytery office to exclaim: “The statue of the Virgin is weeping!” He ran to the chapel, finding the entire community there. He joined them in the prayers they raised to Our Lady, asking her forgiveness for their sins which caused her to weep. The statue wept again at 1 p.m. At 4 p.m. Father Yasuda closed the retreat. He exclaimed that these tears were the authentic proof of the messages.
In the evening, the statue wept again. This time, the tears flowed down her face in quick succession, forming continuous streams flowing down her face to her chest and down to rest on the globe. The Bishop arrived, to see the tears the first time. He asked for cotton, and tenderly dried the tears. He saved the cotton for later analysis. Twenty persons were witnesses of these three episodes of tearing. It was a supernatural miracle, since the wood statue was so dry it is cracked slightly in many places. The tests showed they were human tears, not just water.
During the second weeping, Sr. Agnes had prostrated herself, and was not able to rise, by a mysterious force. She sent for the Bishop and the priest to come to her. She told them, still prostrate, that during the Rosary after the talk by Father Yasuda at the close of the retreat, the Angel came, for the first time since the cure of her deafness, and said the Rosary with her, then left. During the silence after the profession of the lay members, the Angel returned to deliver a message:
"Do not be surprised to see the Blessed Virgin weeping. She weeps because she wishes the conversion of the greatest number; she desires that souls be consecrated to Jesus and the Father, by her intercession. He who directs you told you during the last sermon today; your faith diminishes when you do not see. It is because your faith is weak.
The Blessed Virgin rejoices in the consecration of Japan to her Immaculate Heart because she loves Japan. But she is sad to see that this devotion is not taken seriously.
Even though she has chosen this land of Akita, to give her messages, the local pastor doesn't dare to come, for fear of what one would say. Do not be afraid!
The Blessed Virgin awaits you all, her hands extended to pour forth graces. Spread devotion to the Virgin."
She went on to say the Blessed Virgin was pleased with the consecrations made by the lay members that day, and the daily prayer of the community: “Grant to Japan the grace of conversion, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, is pleasing to the Lord.” She ended by saying:
“You who have believed, while seeing the tears of Mary, when you have permission from your superior, speak to the greatest number, in order to console the hearts of Jesus and Mary...Transmit my words to your superior and to him who directs you.”
When Sister Agnes complete reporting this message to Bishop Ito and Father Yasuda, the mysterious force which kept her prostrate, face to the floor, ended, and she was able to stand up.
March 6, 1975 - Thursday - Towards midday, the statue wept again, for the fourth lachrymation, and two months after the three warnings on January 4th. Simultaneously, Sister Agnes began to experience again the headaches which had preceded her first deafness. Father Yasuda took her that evening to the specialist at the hospital. Diagnosis: return to deafness! The weeping of Our Lady indicated this deafness was again for her purpose, as she and Our Lord had foretold.
May 1, 1976 - Saturday - After breakfast that Saturday, the Feast of St. Joseph, the statue teared again, the first time since March 6 the previous year. The Mass had been scheduled for the evening, to accommodate the late arrival of a party of eleven coming from Tokyo, accompanied by the reporter of the Catholic Graph. The weeping took place again in the morning, and again after Vespers at 5 p.m. Each time, the entire community gathered before the statue to pray a Rosary, to unite themselves to the Virgin Mother’s sadness. After the Feast Day Mass to thank St. Joseph for his protection, Sister Agnes remained prostrate, held by the mysterious force. Later she came to tell Father Yasuda that the Angel came to her after Communion and gave her this message:
“Many men in this world afflict the Lord. Our Lady awaits souls to console him. Remain in poverty, sanctify yourself, and pray for the ingratitude and the outrages of so many men. The Rosary is your weapon. Say it with care and more often, for the intention of the Pope, of Bishops, and Priests.
"You must not forget these words (of Mary). The Blessed Virgin prays continuously for the conversion of the greatest possible number, and weeps, hoping to lead to Jesus and to the Father, souls offered to them by her intercession.
"For this intention, and to overcome exterior obstacles, achieve unity—Form a single Heart. Let believers lead a life more worthy of believers! Pray, with a new heart.
"Attach great importance to this day, for the glory of God, and, of His Holy Mother. With courage spread this devotion among the greatest number. Inform your superior and him who directs you of what I have told you,"
While Fr. Yasuda was at dinner with the visitors from Tokyo at the presbytery, the convent phoned to report the statue was weeping again. All ran to the Chapel, and each reacted to sorrow in their own way. As usual, Fr. Yasuda led them in the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, pausing to meditate on each mystery. The tears of the statue flowed more abundantly than usual, collecting in a pool on the pedestal under the globe. The tears stopped during the second decade, as if placated by the prayers of the fifty or more present.
More than twenty visitors stayed overnight at the convent, and Fr. Yasuda noticed some were suspicious that fakery was involved in the tearing episodes. The next day he cited the words of the Angel during the sermon of the Sunday Mass. About thirty visitors were at the luncheon with him in the presbytery when a call came that the statue was again weeping. All ran to the Chapel. This time the weeping was such that all began to sob and weep, even those who had voiced skepticism. For the first time, visible marks of the stream of tears remained on the statue, which have remained to this day!
Fifty-five persons were recorded as witnesses that day, including six doctors. The statue had flowed five times in two days.
The eleven pious men from Tokyo were interviewed by the reporter from the Catholic Graph, and their statements were published in an article "Messages of a Heavenly Voice." The article concluded: "all are unanimous in saying that one cannot deny the events...nor take them lightly, and that they require a loyal inquiry, whose results ought to be made public as soon as possible. " The article was published two weeks later,
Response of the Church and the Media
The secular media covered the events at Akita to satisfy the public interest in them; but the Catholic media, in deference to theologians who ridiculed the Akita events and opposed Marian and Jesus devotions as an affront to other religions and a deterrence of "ecumenism," began a policy of obstinate silence about the Akita ongoing events. Fr. Yasuda sent information bulletins to all the Japanese Catholic press, of which nothing was published. Distribution of issues of the Catholic Graph were discontinued in so many dioceses and churches that the continuance of the periodical was now in danger.
Fr. Yasuda wrote to the editor of the Catholic Graph, offering to put all the documentation of the events at his disposal. The editor agreed, and came to the convent to speak with Fr. Yasuda, on the May 13th, after putting to print the article on the events of May 1 & 2.
Anniversary of First Fatima Apparition
May 13, 1976 - The editor and his wife went immediately to the empty Chapel to pray fervently, prostrate before the statue of Our Lady of Akita. Later he confided to Fr. Yasuda the gist of his long visit to Our Lady at the foot of her statue: He had complained bitterly to Mary:
"I put myself out to bring to life a Catholic journal in the service of loyal and honest information, but the result is that I am at the end of my strength. I can do no more. I believe it is thanks to your miraculous help that we have been able to avoid failure to this day. I thank your Grace for that. But the collective interview which I am preparing to publish will finally do nothing, but repeat that such and such a one, has seen this and that. Then, if these facts are authentic, give me the grace to be among the witnesses. Would I not have much more to say, with much more credibility? But it is you that will decide, and not I. May it be done according to Your will. But as for me, I can do no more..."
Later he described what he and his wife experienced when later in the afternoon they again entered the Chapel. His wife noticed when they used the Holy Water Font at the entrance to the Chapel: "it has a fragrance!" When he said: "not especially", she crosses herself again several times, and said: "it is hue—more now!" Looking at the statue, he noticed the entire body of the statue giving off a white light. Corning up close to the statue, he saw, "a drop of water shone on the end of her nose. Large round drops had stopped on the right cheek. The right eye was wet, and shooting off reflections, and from the lower lid began the trace of a thread of water, developing into drops. I exclaimed: She WEEPS! My wife sat down, saying she was afraid. I tried to start a Rosary, but choked, overwhelmed by this response to my request, and could not." When he finally was able, he prayed slowly his thanksgiving and his wife cried, with great sobs. She told Fr. Yasuda that she began to pray like a child, truly for the first time, aided by a sense of the closeness of God at that moment.
At the announcement of the news, all in the convent assembled in the Chapel, including twenty participants in a Day of Recollection. When the Rosary was over, the areas on the statue wet with tears retained a reddish color. The editor described, in his article of this event: "When we were coming to the end of the Rosary, the water which had accumulated at the neck disappeared from our eyes, in the space of an instant. They disappear, They disappear. l thought!"
Encouraged by the response of God to his prayer to Our Lady, the editor resolved to continue to publish the review, no matter what it cost. The Catholic Graph continued, for many years. The successive issues of the Catholic Graph informed the public media about the weeping of the statue of Akita.
The clerical faction that promoted a dechristianized Catholic Church that was merely one of many religions created by mankind, mounted a campaign of opposition, criticism, and vilification against the events at Akita and those who persisted in belief in the supernatural origin of the Catholic faith The faction that worked for the "Third Evangelization" of Japan felt scorn and ridicule directed at them at regional or national conferences of the Catholic clergy. A prominent theologian priest claimed that all the events at Akita were caused by trickery by "psychopathic" Sr. Agnes, who directed her "ectoplasmic powers" to manufacture the events. This attack upon the events at Akita continued for the next eight years. All the encouragement of Our Lady and the Angel was needed during this terrible ordeal, that had been foretold by the Angel earlier.
Hiatus During the Archbishop's Special Commission
July 1976 - For the next two years the events at Akita ceased, during an inquiry conducted by a "special commission" appointed by the Archbishop of Tokyo. This special six-member commission looked into the allegations made by the theologian, who was appointed head of this six-member commission! The theologian came alone to the convent and subjected the sisters during a week-long retreat to convincing arguments about how Sr. Agnes caused all the events they had witnessed, because of her mental illness. He then assumed the role of Spiritual Director of the sisters, and relocated the statues of Mary and Joseph from the altar to an antechamber out of sight of the tabernacle, by his
commission authority.
He had Sr. Agnes forcibly committed to a Tokyo Mental Hospital, in Tokyo, under his care where she was subjected for many weeks to his arguments about his theory of how she caused the events. Because of her deafness, she had to continuously strain to watch his lips carefully, to grasp what he was saying.
These lecture-sessions lasted for many hours at a time, all the morning, then all the afternoon. Typical notations made at night in her diary include:
"When I asked what he meant by my ectoplasmic powers, he explained at length that it came from my subconscious, and that all of the mysterious phenomena were due to my subconscious actions. I asked - "then that comes from the devil? In these conditions, I pray you to drive them from me." He said, "It is not the devil. There is no fault on your part, because it is (your) subconscious." I said, "But I cannot be a victim of this monstrosity. And since you say that 1 abuse very many people in this way, it is a very frightening thing. I beg you, free me from these powers." He said, "In any event, it is not you who are at fault. One can say that the responsibility falls on your superior (the Bishop) who took this story of the angel seriously from the beginning and let this snowball. The word of the Angels - it is you who recount them to yourself." He exhorted me to pay no more attention to these apparitions. The Angel later that morning came to her and said, "Do not fear."
Finally after an unknown period of weeks, she was released after she physically collapsed from total exhaustion, and could not eat. Bishop Ito had her recover for three weeks in a hospital, then sent her to a place for a thermal cure, where she recovered her strength over a period of three months. There birds gave her pleasure and kept her
company, eating from her hand, and resting on her head, shoulders and arms. From there she returned to the convent, where she found the relationship with the sisters completely different. They were kindly to her, but distrusted what she did, doubted what she said, and avoided the confidences they previously had with her. She had to "walk on eggs" with them, as shesadly noted in her diary. Her solace was the constant presence of the Angel.
During the two years of the special commission, Bishop Ito and Fr. Yasuda, under obedience,avoided interfering with the spiritual direction being given to the community by the theologian priest, and other than the diary of Sr. Agnes, the comings and goings and activities of the priest are notavailable for review. Fr. Yasuda remarks that the life of the convent otherwise continued without change, the work of the "Garden of Mary" went forward as planned, and little groups continued to come, from all parts of the Japan, and from the world.
July 1978 - In mid-July the Archbishop issued the findings of the Special Commission. It was written by the theologian-priest and signed only by him! It declared there was no supernatural phenomena at Akita, and reiterated the theories of the theologian as the foundation for the conclusion, but gave no detailed findings, or testing of the theories.
Statue Weeps Again - Repeatedly
July 26, 1978 - The Second Anniversary of the founding of the Garden of Mary was celebrated with a procession, led by the new wood statue of St. Joseph, carried by children. The procession went several times around the Garden, with many who supported the development of the Garden joining the community in the procession. The statue was processed back to the chapel, to be placed again next to Our Lady's statue, to keep her company in her exile from the altar, in the far comer antechamber (where it had been relocated away from the altar by the theologian priest).
When the lights in the Chapel were turned on, everyone saw the statue was weeping again, for the first time in two years (June 14, 1976)! The more than fifty witnesses recited the Rosary, with the tears stopping during the second decade. The silence of Our Lady at Akita had ended promptly after the negative finding of the Special Commission was made public in Akita!
The weeping was repeated many times after this, but in a different manner. It now wept when there were visitors to witness it, and rarely when the sisters were alone. It wept at any time except during a Mass. It rarely repeated the same manner of weeping: from a cascade of tears to a few tears, for a long period to only a few minutes, with many witnesses to a very few, several times a day to pauses of days or a week, when visitors expected it to weep, or unexpectedly.
The expression on the face of the statue changed from moment to moment, as photos showed. The sculptor visited, and said, "I did not sculpt that expression on her face!" God was showing His Sovereign right to do as He pleases, to confound those who say He does not exist, or if He does, He does not come down from heaven to be concerned with humanity. As time went by, the reputation of the theologian inquisitor and his influence among the priests diminished like a collapsing house of cards.
Initiation of Bishop Ito's Canonical Commission
1979 - Bishop Ito was troubled by the report (never made public) of the Special Commission, because of inadequacies he found in it. He made no public statement about it. Finally, he went to Rome in early 1979 and discussed with the heads of the congregations of Doctrines of the Faith and Propagation of the Faith the history of the investigation: the aborted (by Rome) Canonical Commission of the Archbishop; his initial preparation for his own Canonical Investigation (halted during the Special Commission of thc Archbishop); the problems he had with the report of the Special Commission. He was advised (again) that he must form his own Canonical Commission, and start from the beginning again. He was given a copy of the detailed investigation and standards required of acceptable Canonical investigations by Diocese Bishops. Only he could conduct the investigation and issue a declaration on the Apparition at Akita.
Upon his return, Bishop Ito conferred with others to decide who should be appointed to his Canonical Commission. He selected seven men who were prominent in Japan and had expertise in the types of inquiry necessary for the Akita events. Since he was charging them to determine the validity of the evidence, he did not consider their attitude toward apparitions, in general.
September 12, 1981 - The Canonical Commission ended its inquiry with a vote of 4 to 3 in favor of recognizing the events as supernatural.
Following a prior advice from the Vatican to "go slowly," Bishop Ito made no public statement for some time. On that morning the statue had wept for the 100th time. The sisters phoned the Commission office to inform the members of this. The Commission response was: "We cannot consider the tears of the statue as a determining sign, or a miracle. The supematurality of the facts can only be recognized if more important miracles take place. " A little later the Guardian Angel said to Sr. Agnes, "They ask a miracle greater than the tears; there will be no more (tears)." The statue cried its last (and 101st") time on September 15, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
The Fourth Message - The 101 Weepings Explained
September 28, 1981 - Thirteen days after sixty-five priests, nuns, and pilgrims witnessed the 101st and final weeping of the statue of Our Blessed Mother, the Guardian Angel came to Sister Agnes during Adoration of the exposed Blessed Sacrament and showed her a vision of a large majestic Bible, opened to Genesis, Chapter 3, and had her read verse 15. Then the Angel explained the meaning of the 101 weepings of the Blessed Mother's Statue:
"...This signifies that sin came into the world by a woman,
and it is also by a Woman that saluation came into the world.
The zero between the two signifies the Eternal God...
The first represents Eve, and the last, the Virgin Mary."
After Sister Agnes read the verse again, the vision and the Angel disappeared. Immediately after adoration, Sister Agnes went to Father Yasuda (he was at the convent) and reported the vision and the message of her Guardian Angel. She asked Father Yasuda to verify the verse, before she opened her bible to it. Father Yasuda opened his bible to the verse, and read:
"I will place enmity between thee (Satan) and the Woman (Mary), between thy seed and Hers. She will crush thy head and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
Father Yasuda remarked in wonderment that the same God had now sent the Guardian Angel of Sister Agnes to her to reveal the profound meaning of the message “by the Authority of the Bible."
He then mentioned to Sr. Agnes the theological aspects of the biblical verse and the Angel's message. In the verse, God announces to Satan that Mary (the promised woman) and her seed will oppose constantly Satan and his seed. Her seed are the human children who share her "sword of sorrow" at the crucifixion of Jesus, and are formed by her as "believers of Christ" and are the "Mystical Body of Christ," of which Christ is the first, and the Head. Satan's seed are the human children who fail their opportunities to do this, and seek only their fulfillment in the temporary and false pleasuris found in the world. It is only in Mary's union with her seed, that Mary has the divine mission to defeat Satan, over the centuries, and finally, at the end.
He further explained that the verse in Genesis is called "the protoevangelium", for it simultaneously gives the first promise of a Savior for humankind, and of Mary, never dominated by Satan, by being preserved by God from original sin through her Immaculate Conception. When the Roman soldier pierced Jesus' side with a lance, Jesus was already dead. At that moment, the lance spiritually pierced, as well, the heart of Mary, who, suffering terribly, observed the cruel act.
Fr. Yasuda said, "The miracles of the bleeding and weeping of the statue of the Blessed Mother in Akita were brought about by God in order to illustrate the truth of Mary's role as "Co-redemptrix"... He defined the Co-redemptrix as the holy person who cooperated with Jesus' Work of Redemption during His Passion on the Cross on Calvary by offering up the suffering of Her Immaculate Heart's spiritual bleeding, to God. He quoted Our Lady at Akita, "Whatever I offer up to the (Heavenly) Father in union with our dear Lord, goes up to the Father with infinite value."
He then quoted Mother Angelica, "When I add (my suffering) to Their (Jesus' and Mary's) pain and suffering, it becomes something very powerful." (Note: in this statement of Mother Angelica is expressed the dynamic union of Mary's children (seed) with her, and what sentiment should be in their heart before receiving the Eucharist host. This also defines the purpose of Evangelism - to bring this opportunity to every child of Eve (and sin), to choose to be a child of Mary, and partake of the bitter-sweet union with Christ through Mary, and take their place in the Mystical Body of Christ in Heaven for all eternity. It naturally follows that every child of Mary soon becomes an evangelist among family, friends, and strangers.) Further Note: This expresses also the work of Our Lady of Guadalupe "Mother of Mercy" Cenacle Apostolate (See page 30 herein).
Fr. Yasuda reflected that the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception by Pope Pius IX was confirmed by heaven four years later at Lourdes; that the Dogma of the Assumption was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII in 1950, after he was given the privilege to see the Fatima "Miracle of the Sun" in the sky over his Vatican garden; the message of the Angel at Akita now gives from Heaven the basis for a Dogma of the role of Mary as Co-redemptrix. The tears of the wood statue of Our Lady of Akita were therefore truly a heaven-sent Miracle of great importance,
Miracle of the Complete Cure of Deafness
April 8, 1982 - After adoration on the Feast of the Annunciation, Sr. Agnes reported a message from the Angel:
"Your deafness causes you to suffer, doesn't it? The moment of the promised cure approaches. By the intercession of the Holy and Immaculate Virgin, exactly as the last time, before Him who is truly present in the Eucharist, your ears will be definitely cured, in order that the works of the most high may be accomplished. There will still be many sufferings and obstacles coming from outside. You have nothing to fear. In bearing them and offering them, you will be protected. Offer up, and pray well..."
Fr. Yasuda told Sr. Agnes to tell no one about this.
May 1, 1982 - During Adoration on the Feast of St. Joseph, the Angel announced to Sr. Agnes:
"Your ears will be definitely cured during this month consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary... as (was) the last time... "Those who will believe in this sign will receive many graces. There will be those who oppose, but you have nothing to fear."
May 31, 1982 - On Pentecost Sunday the miraculous cure took place during Adoration, when the bell sounded, during the blessing with the monstrance by Fr. Yasuda. He heard Sr. Agnes call out, "I have received the grace of healing. I ask that one recite the Magnificat in thanksgiving." Fr. Yasuda replaced the host in the tabernacle reverently, and then announced publicly for the first time the two prior messages by the Angel about the miraculous cure of Sr. Agnes' deafness. The hymn was sung with great force, amidst sobbing.
The next day Fr. Yasuda brought Sr. Agnes to the hospital, where her complete cure was confirmed. Several days later Bishop Ito went there to obtain a certificate of the "miraculous cure". Although they had declared her deafness was total and incurable, the doctors had to deny this request, because in those days it was not permitted to use the word "miraculous" in a medical certificate. Later they gave him a certificate of "total absence of abnormality, despite lack of treatment."
This cure took place after Bishop Ito had sent to the Vatican a complete documentation of the events at Akita, certified by the Commission, and including Bishop Ito's inclination to accept the report of the Canonical Commission. Word of this action by Bishop Ito spread (unofficially) to all dioceses of Japan.
Rosary of the Birds
June 15, 1986 - It is reported that on this date, Sister Agnes recovered a wooden rosary and Miraculous Medal, which had been given to her some eleven years prior by Sister Yasu Esumi, Mother Superior of the Nagasake Junskin Convent. Sister Agnes had lost this rosary somewhere on the grounds surrounding the Akita Convent. It seems Sister Agnes was accustomed to feeding the birds the left over crumbs of bread from breakfast at her second story window. If she left her window open the birds would fly inside and peck her on her cheek. On this occasion, Sister Agnes closed the window in her bedroom in order to get a good sleep. Sister Maria Theresa Kazuko Kaizu who had the room next to Sister Agnes relates that before 5:00 a.m. she was awakened by a commotion outside Sister Agnes’ window. Sister Agnes was also awakened and went to her window to find two birds (robins) fluttering in place with their wings vibrating while suspended in midair. Then Sister Agnes noticed something shining on the window sill. There she found the Miraculous Medal and wooden rosary on her window sill, the very ones lost for some eleven years. The nuns of the convent now call Sister Agnes’ rosary “The Rosary of the Bird” (Torino Rosario).
October, 1983 - Bishop Ito conferred in Rome with the Congregation of the Faith and agreed that the dossier of Akita be submitted to a further intensive examination, before a declaration is made by Bishop Ito.
April 22, 1984 - On Easter Sunday, Bishop Ito released a public Pastoral Letter, declaring “the events of Akita” to be supernatural. He also announced his retirement was imminent. This retirement was made June 9, 1985. He was replaced by Bishop Sato.
March 25, 1987 - First publication of Father Yasuda’s book, The Tears and Messages of Mary, detailing the official documents. It was approved without reserve by Bishop Sato.
June, 1988 - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger declared that the Akita phenomena and messages as “reliable and worthy of belief.” This is the official “acceptance” that the Vatican gives to a Bishop’s favorable declaration of an Apparition, upon completing the Canonical Investigation according to standards set by the Vatican. This “acceptance” was obtained in an unusually short interval after the end of hte event, aided by the careful documentation of the events by Bishop Ito, Father Yasuda, and the diary “Journey of a Soul” kept daily by Sister Agnes.
September, 1990 - Bishop Sato issued a pastoral letter declaring he decided to uphold Bishop Ito’s declaration and authorization of the veneration of the Holy Mother of Akita. This sealed the status of Akita as an accepted Apparition.
There is a compelling similarity between Sister Agnes, the visionary of Akita, and Marthe Robin, a woman who lived for thirty years with no nourishment (not even water) other than the Blessed Sacrament. And, not only did Marthe take no food....neither did she sleep for thirty years.
Both Sister Agnes and Marthe are very famous people that too few people know anything about. One day, each will quite possibly be recognized as saints. They both experienced the Passion of Christ, receiving the stigmata (wounds of Christ) every Friday; Marthe for .... years, and Sister Agnes for .... years. And, they both suffered immensely; yet they both did so gracefully and lovingly, as excellent examples for us all.
Marthe Robin was born in 1902. Her life spanned the 20th century and radiated with a love that transfigured her life. During the 79 years of her life marked by illness and the progressive paralysis of her whole body, she was a witness to the triumph of love over suffering. Over the years, more than 100,000 visitors crowded to her bedside, moved by her loving, caring heart that made God present and led them to him in a very simple way.
Marthe lived out the Passion of Christ every Friday
In the early 1930s, Marthe received the stigmata (wounds of Jesus Christ). At first, they were not visible. It was only later that the phenomenon became visible. Every Friday, until the end of her life, Marthe relived the Passion of Christ. The duration of the phenomenon varied over the course of time and steadily lengthened. Even though Marthe remained extremely discreet about the subject, her spiritual father gradually allowed some people to be present at this Passion. This event was witnessed by so many people that it is indisputable. The stigmata did not last throughout the life of Marthe, except for those of her forehead that remained after her death. This disappearance of the wounds is common among the stigmatics. Around 1960, Marthe spoke of her mission to a priest:
“All Christians must participate in the Passion of Christ and complete what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ with their own bodies. As for me, I am just a sign, a reminder for all Christians."
United with Christ for love of mankind
Marthe’s life was totally directed towards this union with God, which entailed the union with Christ on the Cross. She experienced, in a very profound way, the reason for the gift of Jesus' life for men and the gift that is revealed by his death and resurrection on a cross. Her suffering did not diminish; her body was still gravely ill. But Marthe had now "chosen" her life and had begun her mission. She wrote the following words about it:
“Every day, it is with great joy that I embrace the immense task entrusted to me by the Redeemer, and thank him for having given me the prodigious gift of his chalice, his crown, his nails and his Holy Cross.”
Marthe suffered very much and for a very long time
For sixth-three years, the encephalitis that struck Marthe progressed over time in stages, then seemed to lessen only for it to come back, making her even sicker than before. Little by little, the rumor spread about this young mystic who lived in a dark room on a farm in the Drôme region who welcomed with kindness the worries and trials of everyone, giving her advice and encouragement. The crowds flocked to her. Marthe transformed her pain into empathy for others, and her visitors came to her for consolation. Many of them even had an authentic conversion experience.
Marthe Robin was never able to leave her room
Marthe Robin was never able to leave the room of her birthplace of Châteauneuf-de Galaure. Yet, even today, thousands of people from all over the world are inspired by her example and find a source of spiritual nourishment for their lives in the spiritual way that she initiated. A paradox that can be compared to that of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus (the "Little Thérèse" of Lisieux) who, having never left her convent, became the patron saint of missionaries. To some, Marthe's life seems useless or, worse still, absurd.
From the outside, Marthe's life seems useless or, worse still, absurd. But she was transfigured by the love that she received from her union with God and that she generously gave to others. She initiated an immense work, the most visible part of which is the Foyers de Charité, that pursues the mission of simply and warmly welcoming those who seek a break in order to find new meaning in their lives. In Marthe Robin, the power of God was manifested in her weakness and fragility.
Until her death in 1981, the radiance of her life for mankind, for the Church and for the world was rooted in God.
The case of Marthe Robin is on the border between the improbable and the wholly impossible. Similarly, we are in the presence of Divine Signs at Akita where Heaven intervened to affirm and “update” the message of Fatima, beginning with the apparition of the angel teaching Sister Agnes the “decade prayer” of Fatima in 1969. These Divine Signs at Akita may be impossible to believe for some, and improbable for many, yet luminous for those who choose to accept them as “worthy of belief.”
If we are believers, and especially if we are Catholics, our responsibility is greater...because these messages from Heaven, given to us at Akita, speak in a most specific way to us.
God loves us. He is a personal God who is not only lovingly interested in each of us, but who invites each of us to share, like Mary, in bringing upon the world the redemptive power of the Precious Blood.
But we lest not forget that God will ultimately hold us accountable. If the chastisement does come, we shall have to answer. The chastisement will take the “good with the bad” because the good will have failed to be good enough. It will happen because the good remained apathetic. It will be because the good knew that reparation had to be made but they refused to do it sufficiently.
Akita (Japan) Prayer: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Truly present in the Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body and soul to be entirely one with Your Heart, being sacrificed at every instant on all the altars of the world giving praise to the Father pleading for the coming of His Kingdom.
Message of Tears by Father Adolf Faroni, sdb; 101 Foundation, Inc.; The Mystery of Akita
The Woman Shall Conquer by Don Sharkey; The Light of the Atom (Hiroshima, 1945)
Roses in December Mary’s Garden of Miracles, by Dom Forker; Our Lady of Akita
Mary is the Co-Redemptrix by Prof. Courtenay Bartholomew, MD, FRCP; 1973 - The Warning of Our Lady of Akita
Meetings with Mary Visions of the Blessed Mother by Janice T. Connell; Akita, Japan: 1973-1984
A Guide to Apparitions of our Blessed Virgin Mary - Part I 20th Century Apparitions by Peter Heinz; Akita, Japan
KEY APPARITIONS OF MOTHER MARY During the Latter Days, by Alfred E. Tumminia;
Akita - 1973-1982
The MEANING of AKITA by John M. Happert; 101 Foundation, Inc.