At La Salette, France in 1846, Our Lady mentioned hell as follows: “In the year 1864, Lucifer together with a large number of demons will be unloosed from hell; they will put an end to faith little by little, even in those dedicated to God. They will blind them in such a way, that, unless they are blessed with a special grace, these people will take on the spirit of these angels of hell; several religious institutions will lose all faith and will lose many souls.”
“Evil books will be abundant on earth and the spirits of darkness will spread everywhere a universal slackening of all that concerns the service of God. They will have great power over Nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests, for they will not have been guided by the good spirit of the Gospel which is a spirit of humility, charity and zeal for the glory of God. On occasions, the dead and the righteous will be brought back to life.”
At Fatima, Portugal on July 13, 1917 during the third of six apparitions, Our Lady of the Rosary gave the three young visionaries the first secret: a vision of Hell. Frightened, deathly pale, the little ones raised their eyes to Our Lady for help as lucia cried out: ‘oh... Our Lady!” Our Lady then explained: “You have seen Hell - where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them God wills to establish throughout the world the devotion to My Immaculate Heart. If people will do what I tell you, many souls will be saved, and there will be peace. The war is going to end. But if they do not stop offending God, another and worse war will break out in the reign of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by and unknown light, know that it is the great sign that God gives you, that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, hunger, persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father."
"To forestall this, I shall come to ask for the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If they heed My requests, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace. If not, she shall spread her errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecutions of the Church; the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer,
various nations will be annihilated; in the end, My Immaculate Heart shall triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me, which will be converted, and some time of peace will be given to the world."
"In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved etc. Do not tell this to anyone. To
Francisco, yes, you may tell it."
Lucia described the vision of hell as follows: "As she opened Her hands, the light reflecting from them seemed to penetrate into the earth, as if into a sea of fire, and we saw immersed in that fire were devils and souls with human form, as if they were transparent black or bronze embers floating in the fire and swayed by the flames that issued from within themselves along with great clouds of smoke, falling upon every side just like the falling of sparks in great fires, without weight or equilibrium, amidst wailing and cries of pain and despair that horrife and shook us with terror. We could distinguish the devils by their horrible and repulsive figures of frightful and unknown animals, but transparent as the black coals in a fire."
At Fatima, Portugal on August 19, 1917 during the fourth of six apparitions, Lucia spoke to Our Lady of the sick who had been recommended to her. Our Lady responded: “Yes, I shall cure some of them within the year.” But she went on teaching them to pray rather for the health of souls than of bodies: “Pray! Pray a great deal and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to Hell because they have no one to pray and make sacrifices for them!”
Our Catholic Catechism tells us the following:
1033 We cannot be united with God unless we freely choose to love him. But we cannot love God if we sin gravely against him, against our neighbor or against ourselves: "He who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him."612 Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren.613 To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called "hell."
1034 Jesus often speaks of "Gehenna" of "the unquenchable fire" reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted, where both soul and body can be lost.614 Jesus solemnly proclaims that he "will send his angels, and they will gather . . . all evil doers, and throw them into the furnace of fire,"615 and that he will pronounce the condemnation: "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire!"616
1035 The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire."617 The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.
1036 The affirmations of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility incumbent upon man to make use of his freedom in view of his eternal destiny. They are at the same time an urgent call to conversion: "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few."618
Since we know neither the day nor the hour, we should follow the advice of the Lord and watch constantly so that, when the single course of our earthly life is completed, we may merit to enter with him into the marriage feast and be numbered among the blessed, and not, like the wicked and slothful servants, be ordered to depart into the eternal fire, into the outer darkness where "men will weep and gnash their teeth."619
1037 God predestines no one to go to hell;620 for this, a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end. In the Eucharistic liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful, the Church implores the mercy of God, who does not want "any to perish, but all to come to repentance":621
At Medjugorje, four of the six visionaries saw hell. Our Lady gave Mirjana and Ivanka the choice whether or not to see hell and they chose against it. Ivan and Marija both saw a vision of hell and all that Ivan will state is that he prefers not to discuss it. Vicka and Jakov were physically taken to hell by Our Lady. The following, through several interviews of the visionaries, is a detailed description of hell.
Vicka: “We saw many people in hell. Many are there already, and many more will go there when they die…The Blessed Mother says that those people who are in hell are there because they chose to go there. They wanted to go to hell…We all know that there are persons on this earth who simply don’t admit that God exists, even though He helps them, gives them life and sun and rain and food. He always tries to nudge them onto the path of holiness. They just say they don’t believe, and they deny Him. They deny Him, even when it is time to die. And they continue to deny Him, after they are dead. It is their choice. It is their will that they go to hell. They choose hell.”
Question: Describe hell as you remember it.
Vicka: “In the center of this place is a great fire, like an ocean of raging flames. We could see people before they went into the fire, and then we could see them coming out of the fire. Before they go into the fire, they look like normal people. The more they are against God’s will, the deeper they enter into the fire, and the deeper they go, the more they rage against Him. When they come out of the fire, they don’t have human shape anymore; they are more like grotesque animals, but unlike anything on earth. It’s as if they were never human beings before…They were horrible. Ugly. Angry. And each was different; no two looked alike…When they came out, they were raging and smashing everything around and hissing and gnashing and screeching.”
The following is what Marija has shared about hell: “It’s a large space with a big sea of fire in the middle. There are many people there. I particularly noticed a beautiful young girl. But when she came near the fire, she was no longer beautiful. She came out of the fire like an animal; she was no longer human. The Blessed Mother told me that God gives us all choices. Everyone responds to these choices. Everyone can choose if he wants to go to hell or not. Anyone who goes to hell chooses hell.”
“In the moment of death, God gives us the light to see ourselves as we really are. God gives freedom of choice to everybody during his life on earth. The one who lives in sin on earth can see what he has done and recognize himself as he really is. When he sees himself and his life, the only possible place for him is hell. He chooses hell, because that is what he is. That is where he fits. It is his own wish. God does not make the choice. God condemns no one. We condemn ourselves. Every individual has free choice. God gave us freedom.”
Jakov: “Very seldom do I talk about hell…I choose not to think about hell. The self-chosen suffering there is beyond your ability to comprehend.”
Question: Does it cause you pain?
Jakov: “More than you can understand…Because no one needs to go to hell. It is the ultimate waste.”
Our Lady references satan many times at Medjugorje, but only a few times does she reference hell. Here are two messages given to us at Medjugorje referencing hell:
July 25, 1982: “Today many persons go to Hell. God permits his children to suffer in Hell due to the fact that they have committed grave unpardonable sins. Those who are in Hell, no longer have a chance to know a better lot.”
January 10, 1983: “Men who go to Hell no longer want to receive any benefit from God. They do not repent nor do they cease to swear and to blaspheme. They make up their mind to live in Hell and do not at all contemplate leaving it.”
Re: https://www.catholicbible101.com/avoicefromhell.htm
“I am now in hell. Yesterday, I was just like you are now – eating, drinking, laughing, watching TV, enjoying my family, etc. Then, I got in my car to go to work, and a drunk driver hit me broadside, going 70 mph in a 30 mph zone. I never even saw him coming. It all happened so fast. One minute I was alive listening to music on my car radio, and the next minute I was dead, floating over my wrecked car, looking at my lifeless, bloody body. It took me a while to realize that I was dead, and that I was looking at myself from above. Then, all of a sudden, I was pulled through a really dark tunnel, where really nasty people were making fun of me and tearing at my flesh. I tried to fight them off, but there must have been a thousand of them. The more I fought, the more they laughed at me, and the nastier they got.
As I was sliding down this tunnel against my will, I caught a glimpse of what must have been heaven. It was beautiful beyond belief, with plants that seemed to be alive, with beautiful music that I had never heard on earth, and many different colors that did not exist on earth. I heard a voice inside my head, which I surmise was Jesus, telling me that I had forfeited heaven and being with Him for all eternity. Why? Because He said, while I was still alive, I did not fully commit my life to Him and His teachings. I always knew that Jesus was real, but I never seemed to make that life-changing commitment to follow Him.
I kept hearing Jesus repeat my sins to me – pornography, bad language, dirty jokes, greed, envy, lust, drinking, and gluttony. And there was that abortion I had my girlfriend get back in 1988. Jesus told me that He had sent me unlimited grace every day of my life, but that I had always rejected it in favor of sin. And since my lifestyle rejected His living water, that allowed satan to take over my life, and eventually my death. I told Jesus in my mind that I really didn’t know what He expected of me, but He said that that was no excuse, since He had written it all down for me in the Bible, had given me the sacraments in His church to strengthen me, and had sent His Mom and Her saints and angels down to earth many times to help me. He said that I preferred to play computer games, read the newspaper, and watch football over doing the will of God. He told me that since I truly preferred the temporary things of the earth, rather than everlasting heavenly things, that I got my wish to not go to heaven upon death. And the really sad thing is that He told me that all I had to do was to make one sincere confession to be forgiven for everything.
Now, I am surrounded by millions of snakes and worms, unrelenting fire, loud noises and screams, a horrible stench, and terrible looking demons who torture me day and night. And I cannot move any part of my body on my own. Knowing what I threw away is the most depressing part, along with the fact than I am NEVER getting out of this place. If only I had listened to the Church’s teachings instead of ‘thinking for myself’. It never entered my mind while I was still alive that I could be wrong about anything, especially about salvation. I always considered it a strong virtue to ‘think for myself’, and it was always a weak vice to listen to anyone, especially some old-fogey church, telling me what to believe.
Now, I would gladly give up every penny I ever made to be sent back to earth for 5 minutes, but that will never happen. I, along with millions of other humans, were victims of satan’s great deception, which fooled me into believing that I would never die, that self-pride was a good thing, that the sexual pleasures of earth were more important than obeying His commandments, that the real goal of life was the pursuit of wealth and to be surrounded by beautiful possessions, and that there would always be time to repent of my sins before dying. I really wish someone would have told me about Matthew 25:31-46 and what I was held accountable for during life. But no one ever did. And I never seemed to find the time to open the Bible and read what it said. That was as stupid as never reading my college textbooks in preparation for the final exam.
Satan disguised himself as an angel of light many times during my earthly sojourn, and I was totally taken in by him - the beauty, the glamour, the glitz, the power, the sex, the money, the feel-good mentality, being entertained all the time, etc. I also believed everything the secular media ever said, instead of meditating on His Word to find out The Truth for myself. His bait of sexual gratification seemed wonderful at the time, but it had lots of poison in it, which I know about now, when it is too late.
So now that you know my story, what will you do with your life? Like me, you may not have tomorrow to decide. Will you follow me to hell, or will you follow Jesus to heaven? The choice is yours, and only yours, to make, today.”