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At Quito, Ecuador, in the 16th century, Our Lady of Good Success said: “Woe to the world should it lack monasteries and convents! Men do not comprehend their importance, for, if they understood, they would do all in their power to multiply them, because in them can be found the remedy for all physical and moral evils... No one on the face of the earth is aware whence comes the salvation of souls, the

conversion of great sinners, the end of great scourges, the fertility of the land, the end of pestilence and wars, and the harmony between nations. All this is due to the prayers that rise up from monasteries and convents.”


  At Rue de Bac, Paris, France, in the 19th century, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal said: “My child, the times are evil, and misfortunes are about to overwhelm France. The throne will be destroyed and the whole world convulsed by all sorts of calamities. But come to the foot of this altar. Here graces will be poured out on all who ask for them, great or small... My eyes are always watching you, I shall grant you many graces. Special graces will be given to all who ask for them, but people must pray.”


  At Pellevoisin, France, in the 19th century, Our Lady said: “What afflicts me most is the want of

respect shown by some people to my divine Son in Holy Communion and the attitude taken for prayer when at the same time the mind continues occupied with other things. I say this for people who

pretend to be pious.”


  At Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in the 20th century, Our Lady of All Nations said:

“This time is our time. Now the Father and the Son want to be asked to send the Spirit. I recited to

you this simple prayer and let you see how I wish to have it spread over the whole world. This simple prayer has been given for all peoples... All of you, no matter who or what you are, ask that the Holy Spirit may come. This you shall ask the Father and the Son. The Divine Trinity will again reign over the world. The Lady stands here as the Advocate. This issue here is the Creator, not the Lady. Tell this to your theologians....”.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now your Spirit over the world. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all Nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disasters and war. May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate. Amen


  At Akita, Japan, in the 20th century, Our Lady of Akita said: “Pray very much the prayers of the

Rosary. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved.”


 It seems that an emphasis on prayer, including the Rosary, was not a priority for Our Lady in her first 7 apparitions, in the 16th through 18th centuries. Only at Quito, Ecuador, in the 16th century did Our Lady mention prayer, and only once.  Not once did she mention the Rosary.


  During the 19th century, Our Lady did mention prayer at 5 of her 11 apparitions, yet she only

mentioned the Rosary in 1 of these apparitions, at Gietrzwald, Poland.


  But, in the 20th century, prayer became a real priority for Our Lady as she asked for prayer at each of her 12 apparitions during this century. Our Lady requested the saying of the Rosary at 8 of these 12

apparitions, including each of the last 7. Beginning with her apparition at Fatima in 1917, when communism was about to raise its ugly head, and continuing to her current on-going apparitions at Medjugorje, as Satan appears to get stronger and stronger, we can clearly see Our Lady’s understanding of the things that were to happen and her concern for all of us her children and for our need for prayer. However, according to the great Catholic writer, Matthew Kelly, prayerlessness is one of the great torments of modern times.


  In his book The First Signs of a Dynamic Catholic, Matthew states that most Catholics have never been taught how to develop a daily routine of prayer. He also states his belief that there are only 7% of Catholics that can be called Dynamic Catholics, that actually have a daily routine of prayer. They have a habit of prayer, which they cling to with great discipline. They have a time to pray, a place to pray, and a structure to their prayer. Finally, they see a connection between the joy and fulfillment in their lives and their efforts to walk with God and grow spiritually. Are you one of the 7%, or are you one of the other 93%?


  In another of his books, Rediscover Catholicism - A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion & Purpose, Matthew emphasizes that the essence of Catholicism is dynamic transformation (conversion?). He states that we cannot become more like Jesus Christ and at the same time stay as we are. To be Catholic means to be striving to live the Gospel, to be striving to be more like Jesus Christ. Also in this book, Matthew identifies his 7 pillars of Catholic Spirituality including Confession, Daily Prayer, the Mass, the Bible, Fasting, Spiritual Reading, and the Rosary. Interestingly, these are entirely consistent with what Our Lady is encouraging for us to do. In fact, at Medjugorje, Our Lady has been encouraging us to put five stones into our sack, like David did before he slew Goliath. But our five stones are needed to overcome the atheism that surrounds us, that paganistic mentality that is being disseminated and seems invincible. Neither we nor the Church seem capable of conquering materialism on our own so Our Lady is appearing in Medjugorje to declare that this is possible with her help. Here are Our Lady’s fives stones: Prayer, Fasting, the Mass, the Bible and Confession. With these simple weapons we can overcome the world; we can develop our spiritual potentialities to cause the growth of seeds which will sprout forth if they fall upon fertile soil.


  We need to take and develop our gift of faith praying together as a family, by learning to live with the Lord. He who prays knows how to love; he who loves knows how to pray. Many families no longer live love because they no longer are united in prayer. Let’s recall St. Augustine’s words, “Man lives if he breathes; prayer is the breath for the Christian.”


  The Christian who stops praying, dies. Priests, parents, everyone, must pray. Prayer is a gift and a principal weapon given to the Church. The Church is neither an idea nor a political party; it is a family that prays, a family that loves. This is the reason Our Lady insists that prayer is needed in order to transform the world. So, let’s look at some of Our Lady’s key references to prayer at her apparitions.


   Based upon over 40 years of conversation with Our Lady, the visionary Mirjana from Medjugorje states: "Everything begins with prayer, and Our Lady emphasizes its value in almost every message she gives me during the apparitions." Mirjana also tells us: "A short prayer from the heart is more powerful than a long one comprised of words with no feeling. God speaks to us through love, so love is the

language He understands. If your thoughts begin to wander when you are praying, then put the rosary aside and speak directly to Our Lady as a child talks to his mother. Tell her why you can't be still. Tell her what's burdening you. Give her whatever you have in your heart and she will give you what's in hers -- the peace of God."

  On June 16, 1983, Our Lady Queen of Peace gave this message at Medjugorje: “Devote at least 3 hours to prayer daily, of which at least half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the evening. Holy Mass and the Rosary are included in this time of prayer... Pray with great meditation... allow yourself to be led by the grace of God... entrust all in prayer to Our Heavenly Father...”​


  Are we listening to Our Lady, Our Blessed Mother?

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